Current Version: 18.11.037
Last Update: 05/07/2024
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KOBO stands for absolute precision! That is why we are constantly perfecting our processing and machining techniques: for results that meet the highest demands. Thanks to the latest technology, a strong supplier network, experience and creativity, we can also process unusual metals and processing requirements quickly and as desired.
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We are a company that supplies Germany and the world with special parts made of aluminum, steel, brass and various plastics from the tranquil town of Sulzbach an der Murr. We manufacture complex and high-precision components for our customers on state-of-the-art machines.
Steba electrical appliances have been impressing customers with their quality, reliability and expertise since 1919. The company produces electrical appliances “Made in Germany” in the areas of baking, barbecue, cooking, kitchen gadgets and air treatment.
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Göttinger Dreh- und Frästeile GmbH sets high standards for its products. Continuously increasing demands on parts led to Göttinger Dreh- und Frästestechnik GmbH deciding to invest in CAD/CAM software. The aim was to reduce the running times of the components on the machines and to keep unproductive downtimes as short as possible...Read more….
ENKO Staudinger GmbH from Augsburg has been a manufacturer of complete solutions in the field of fixture and plant construction for over 40 years. Founded as a design office, the specialists in manufacturing, design and commissioning are constantly developing the increasing number of...
VetterTec GmbH, headquartered in Kassel, Germany, is a globally active company in the field of industrial drying systems with over 100 employees. The company has more than 90 years of experience in evaporation, drying and dewatering plants for the starch, ethanol/alcohol, brewery, environmental, chemical and ...
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"I would like to thank all vectorcam employees for the friendly and speedy solution to our problem. We appreciate this service immensely. Kind regards and a big thank you from Switzerland."
Thanks to vectorcam, we now have completely new possibilities in production. From relatively simple components at the beginning, we can now process complex 3D contours thanks to VECTORCAM and save a lot in production by shortening the work paths. Programming and support works flawlessly. Our best decision since the foundation of our company!
We found the training and support during the introduction phase of the program by vectorcam GmbH very commendable. Questions that still arise sporadically one year after the introduction are answered quickly and competently by the hotline of vectorcam.
We also find vectorcam's hotline optimal. It is fast, flexible and uncomplicated, which we really appreciate, especially in today's fast-paced world.
We can't imagine ever working without 'vector' again - there is no better CAD/CAM system for us.
There are plenty of extremely inexpensive software solutions that run optimally on the machines. Like the vectorcam system, for example, which we use.
Basically I can say that the decision for vectorcam was one of my best decisions and still is today.
vectorcam is very easy to learn and intuitive to use. We are able to teach new employees the basic knowledge for drawing workpiece contours or drawing and generating NC data for our engraving machine within a few hours.
We have been working with vectorcam for over 17 years now and are still very satisfied. The service is fast and very accessible. Thanks to the update service, the latest vectorcam version is always available, which enables smooth operation despite increasing complex requirements.
We like working with vectorcam because it is easy to use and delivers exact results very quickly. The milling structures that vectorcam generates are also always convincing.
With the new vectorcam version and the user interface, we now produce much faster. We achieve our goals with significantly fewer clicks. And best of all, our machine runtimes have also shortened considerably. Thank you vectorcam! Keep it up!
For our precision engineering and laser processing, we work with the 4-axis module from vectorcam. We use it to laser a wide variety of contours in different tubes. The results are absolutely satisfactory and the operation of the software is very simple.
Even with simple drilling programs, we produce up to 70% faster and more effectively with vectorcam. At the same time, the error rate has dropped, which gives us security within production. In addition, there is a very good, fast and, above all, reliable service. Super!