
Vernetzt entwickeln und produzieren

Automotive manufacturers and suppliers are facing enormous change. On the one hand, existing processes must be optimized and digitized, and on the other, they are developing new business models for the mobility of the future. 

At the same time, technologies such as electric drives, autonomous driving and interactions with the car require a massive transformation of the existing product range. In the future, the vehicle will be software-driven and contain millions of lines of programming. 

Tightly timed production cycles, rising customer expectations and maximum process reliability pose further challenges. By 2025, the German automotive industry alone will have invested 250 billion euros in the transformation of transport.

Into the mobile future with vectorcam

vectorcam is used by some car manufacturers such as VW and Audi, as well as by numerous supplier companies and contract manufacturers. Together with our customers, we are constantly optimizing existing routines or developing new strategies for fast and efficient machining of the various components in individual and series production.

Generate collision-free NC programs with vectorcam quickly, easily and automatically for a wide range of manufacturing processes. vectorcam supports drilling and milling 2.5D, 3D and 5-axis simultaneous milling through to turning and turn milling. Wire eroding, lasering and cutting are also part of the portfolio.

All modules are practical and have been developed in cooperation with our customers. Together with our technicians, we support you in all aspects of vectorcam. And not just in the introductory phase, but whenever you need our support.

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Ihre Vorteile auf einen Blick
  • Hohe Oberflächengüte
    Verschiedenste Bearbeitungs- strategien errechnen exakte NC-Bahnen für eine exzellente Oberflächengüte. vectorcam unterstützt zudem modernste Werkzeugtechnologien verbunden mit integrierten Technologietabellen.
  • Langjährige Erfahrung
    Unsere Anwendungstechniker verfügen über langjährige Erfahrungen sowohl aus der Praxis als auch im Umgang mit vectorcam. Gemeinsam mit Ihrem Know How unterstützen wir Sie dabei die Produktion zu verbessern.
  • Schnell und sicher
    Speichern Sie Ihr Wissen in sogenannte "Vorlagen". Dadurch reduzieren Sie nicht nur die Programmierzeit sondern erhöhen auch noch die Sicherheit bei der Bearbeitung an der CNC-Maschine.