Current Version: 18.11.037
Last Update: 05/07/2024
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11/04/2019 | News
A few years ago Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP. Nevertheless, there was still a vectorcam XP version.
Now, however, it is time to invest in the future and that is why we would like to concentrate on the modern development of our software. We therefore decided to discontinue our vectorcam XP version on 01/01/2020.
Of course we would like to give our Windows XP users one last update and so there will be a last vectorcam XP version at the end of the year. Customers who are still working with this XP version can still download a current version until 01.01.2020. After that, it will unfortunately no longer be available for download.
Thank you for your understanding. We are of course available for any questions.
Your vectorcam team