vectorcam software update

Outdated software was yesterday! Always stay up to date with vectorcam maintenance and get access to the latest software version automatically and free of charge. You will receive news and improvements in our modules, immediately after release. Your personal customer login ensures that you always have access to the software version and personal license key. 

With the vectorcam software update, you get the maximum out of your production, ensure maximum utilization of your machines and automatically remain at the latest technical level.

More information about maintenance ...

How do I perform a vectorcam software update?

In this tutorial, we explain how you, as a vectorcam maintenance customer, can work with the latest version of the vectorcam CAM software and thus always use the latest developments and functions of the CAM program.

Back up

Before uninstalling, we recommend that you initially perform a data backup. The following data should be backed up first:

  • The "vector.ini" file, which contains your individual settings.
  • the file "license.ini", in it are your license data
  • postprocessor files (*.cfg)
  • tool libraries (*.ttd)
  • complex drilling cycles (*.cdo)
  • template files (*.cct)
  • user-defined dialog boxes (*.msk)
  • user-defined macros, cycles, thread tables, drilling tables etc. (*.csv in the profiles folder)
  • material tables for feed and speed calculation (*.csv in the Technology folder)
  • Variable tables (*.sym)